$ 0 0 BEN MUDGE - THORHappy #Thorsday ... 2 weeks off training and this is how I looked. People freak out about a few days off training when they really don’t need to be stressed. .... I have been training for 12 years naturally! (Never taken steroids) and this is the reward for that. Hard earned muscle won’t disappear over night or even a few nights. Fuel the body with enough food and that muscle won’t go anywhere! ... In other news #thorsday t-shirts are being made and the proceeds are going to @cftrustuk more info soon 💪🏻⚡️ ... #nohammer #thorsday #thor #cysticfibrosis #cfthor #wethair #naturaltraining #lookhowweirdmynipplelook #apparentlyilooklikejonsnowtoo Uma publicação compartilhada por Ben Mudge Aka Thor ⚡️ (@benmudge_) em 25 de Jan, 2018 às 4:35 PST